Attention LADIES over 40! Let's KICK sugar to the curb!

Online portal and training. So don't waste a minute to get it!

Online DETOX!

In just 5 days, improve your health, boost your energy and quality of sleep, and take control over your cravings.

This short-term commitment can serve as a jumpstart to adopting a healthier lifestyle with many health benefits.

Kick Sugar out the door!

Join us for a 5-Day



Coach Michelle

Detox Me!

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What's Included:

10% OFF any program!

Benefits from a Sugar Detox:

1. Reduce cravings: By eliminating sugar from your diet for a few days, you can help reduce these cravings and break the cycle of dependence on sugary foods.

2. Reset your taste buds: Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can dull your taste buds, making it difficult to appreciate the natural flavors of whole foods.

3. Increase energy levels: Refined sugars cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, leading to fluctuations in energy levels throughout the day.

4. Improve mood and mental clarity: High sugar intake has been linked to mood swings, irritability, and brain fog.

5. Promote weight loss: Sugary foods are often high in calories and low in nutritional value. By cutting out sugar, you reduce your overall calorie intake and make room for more nutritious foods, which can support weight loss or weight management goals.

6. Enhance overall health: Excessive sugar consumption has been associated with various health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and inflammation. A sugar detox can help reduce your risk of developing these conditions and promote overall health and well-being.

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