Can You Put Your Health First For Just 21 Days?

Break the cycle of procrastination and start taking action towards your goals with 21 daily, bite-sized habits anyone can stick to with the

21-Day Habit Challenge!

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It only takes 21 days to get results like these…

"Developing healthy habits transformed my life. Prioritizing my health through good food, exercise, and self-care boosted my energy, mood, and confidence. Small changes make a big difference."


"Prioritizing healthy habits was life-changing. Regular exercise and a balanced diet improved my weight, mental health, and overall well-being."


"Healthy habits transformed my emotional health. Mindfulness, self-care, and breaks throughout the day helped me manage stress and anxiety. Grateful for the positive impact on my life."



Struggling to stick to healthy habits you know would help you look, feel, and perform at your best?

You’re not alone. In fact, The United Health Foundation found in a recent study that 70% of adults in the U.S. report having at least one unhealthy habit they know they need to break… and another study showed that 61% of adults picked up bad habits over the last few years alone.

If that’s you, maybe one or more of these sound familiar…

  • You’re spending way more time in front of a screen than getting outside
  • You’re having trouble sticking to a workout routine for more than a few days, weeks, or months at a time
  • You’re eating greasy takeout meals more than you’d like to admit
  • You’re reaching for the wine, beer, or other vices to cope with stress after a long day
  • You keep buying water bottles so you remember to drink more water but you can never remember to fill them…

And maybe the list goes on…

Or, maybe your list looks a little different, but you know you could stand to eat a little healthier, get a few more workouts in every week, carve out more time to take care of yourself, and start putting your health first…

That’s where the 21-Day Habit Challenge

comes in!


The 21-Day Challenge is designed to help you work healthier habits into your day and give you the accountability you need to keep the promises you make to yourself… because you deserve to reap the benefits of a happy, healthy life!

Make bite-sized shifts to create lasting results in just 21 days

When you join the challenge, you’ll get:

  • A 21-Day Habit Challenge Success Guide to help you implement brand new healthy habits and give you the tools & strategies you need you hit your goals faster
  • 21 DAILY “deep dive” coaching emails to keep you inspired
  • A daily habit tracker to track and celebrate your consistency
  • And a private Facebook Group with access to me and other challengers!

Plus, you’ll get to keep EVERYTHING you get in the challenge to refer back to or even to share with your friends and family.

Gain instant access to our online challenge

Just $97

Join the challenge by clicking the button below and completing the registration

form on the next page!


It only takes 21 days to get results like these…

"Incorporating healthy habits has given me real results - more energy, better mood, and overall improved health. I feel happy inside and out."


"The benefits from adopting healthy habits in my daily routine, have been; improved energy, mood, and overall health. They are easy to implement and maintain. Highly recommend!"


"Since incorporating healthy habits into my daily routine, I've seen a remarkable improvement in my overall health and wellbeing. I would definitely recommend giving it a try!"



The 21-Day Challenge is perfect for you if…

  • You picked up some unhealthy habits over the last few years and you need some accountability to drop them
  • You have a hard time sticking to healthy habits on your own and you’re tired of losing that “last 10 pounds” over and over again
  • You’re a busy woman who feels like they “don’t have time” to practice healthy habits and you want a simple way to incorporate healthier activities into your week

Or, you’re simply ready to recommit to healthy habits that might have gotten pushed aside because … life!

How much are unhealthy habits costing you?

And how much more could you accomplish every day if you felt your best, looked your best, and performed at your best because you’re consistently “filling up your tank” with healthy, daily habits?

This challenge is nearly a month of “done-with-you” coaching and accountability, which would normally cost over $500 if we were working 1:1.

But, I want to make sure this challenge is a no-brainer for ANYONE to say yes to, so you won’t pay a fraction of that!

That’s why your investment to join the challenge is just $97!


In just 21 days, you’ll finally be able to:

  • Stick with your healthy habits so you don’t have to deal with the grueling challenge of starting over every few days, weeks, or months
  • Build confidence and momentum to crush your bigger goals
  • Get the accountability you need to stay the course!

That means no more worrying or thinking that you have to make big changes overnight…

Or that you’re just “not good” at eating healthy or exercising…

Or that you’ll be doomed to low energy and an extra few pounds around your waist for the rest of your life.



Joining our 21 day habit challenge is the perfect way to jumpstart your journey to a healthier and happier you. By committing to small, achievable goals for just three weeks, you'll establish habits that will stick with you for life. Our program is designed to provide you with the support, resources, and motivation you need to make positive changes and see real results. Don't wait - take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today by joining our 21 day habit challenge!


Meet your instructor, MICHELLE SMITH

Our 21 day habit challenge helps you establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Over three weeks, you'll receive daily guidance, support, and motivation to make small, achievable changes to your routine, resulting in improved energy levels, better sleep, weight loss, and overall health. Our program overcomes common barriers to making healthy changes and equips you with the skills and mindset to maintain these habits over time. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier life by joining our 21 day habit challenge today.

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